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Anybody get the email from Key Financial?

You are not alone, my friend. It's like wearing food stains on your suit at a job interview. It just doesn't reflect very well.
I asked the same question about the "like I" statement.

As for the i before e rule, of course there are exceptions to every rule. However, the words James butchers aren't the exceptions to that rule.

And James just brushes it off like Pee Wee Herman with, "I meant to do that." There are certain things I expect out of the professionals I deal with on a regular basis. Proper grammar being one of those things. If I received a letter from an attorney, CPA or doctor with the errors in grammar that we see in James' postings, I would question the capability of that professional. But that's just me.

Narcistic little boy are we not Sman? I notice this before with you and a few of your buddies. For some odd reason, y'll just have to attempt to elevate yourselves, I suspect I know the reason yet what does that matter?

People such as yourself have been predicting doom and gloom like the one article I posted How housing ills killed the bull - MSN Money and when it finally arrives, what do you all do? Predict it gonna be as bad as the Great Depression! Now the second article or report I posted put the actual dollar figure on the table that we are talking about in perspective. In other words, the foreclosure rate as we see it today really is a drop in the bucket. The worst thing we can do now is to attempt to bail out the lenders and Wall Street.

Once again, if the markets are to work we have to have the down periods and losses have to be real. In other words, if a person or group of people do stupid things they have to pay for their mistakes. If not we have to ask why this time and why now? We can look at Chrysler bail out, should never have happen but, guess what? They are right back in trouble again! There was a time not that long ago that the TV companies demanded protection or a bail out and they were denied by Bush #1. So why this time? What is it about the housing market or should I say the lenders and banks that deserve to be bailed out of this mess of their own doing? Oh yea, you can blame the Broker guy that went around selling these mortgages, I suppose that is a scape goat of choice by some, those that can not see beyond the obvious.

Listen, Sman, don't worry we will never have dealing outside of calling each other names on this board. There are some depths even I refuse to go to. I'll let you deal with all your Dr and Attorney friends, I know they might actually measure up to your standards. Of course the Dr's I know have bad grammar and spelling! Probably why they all have secretaries to write their letters. Yet, I can not really say I like their company either.

James, do you think these builders have employees? And what do you think happens to these employees when the builders aren't building as much? They get laid off. And what happens to the places where these builders purchase their supplies? Their revenues go down as well. And what happens to the lenders and real estate agents? They aren't making money either. Therefore none of these people are spending money. And as discussed before, the consumer makes up two-thirds of our economy. When the consumer stops spending, we go into a recession. When the consumer stops spending, retailers have to fire people because their revenues are down. So now those people aren't spending either. It's not rocket science.

We can not sustain higher and higher consumption forever, it doesn't work that way, well not in the real world. Now we have been at record highs in new home construction for some years, so you suggest the market or economy can withstand a new record be set every year? Are you really that ignorant? Funny thing is, I've been in construction, family business. We seen the mid 70's devastation in NJ and we seen the illegal immigrants in TX lower the profits to the point we had to get out of home construction. Guess what, we all survived. In fact when we got out my brother lost most of his savings in the tech bubble, I went thru a divorce and financial ruin and guess what? We both rebounded nicely in short order of time, it is what people do. Plus many of your sub contractors that can no longer depend upon new home construction will turn to the obvious, fixing up homes people own instead of building their new homes! Gee, funny how life goes on?

I know, I know, you're independently wealthy and don't care if other people lose their jobs and homes or if the economy goes into a recession. But I still need to have consumers willing to continue investing, paying their health insurance premiums and purchasing life insurance so I can feed my family. And I personally hope that the Federal Reserve lowers rates again in March. The cuts in January should be working through the market in late Summer or early Fall and we'll see what kind of impact they have. Maybe it will be enough, maybe it won't. I believe that we'll start seeing some positive growth by the end of the year. Unless of course, James starts controlling the Federal Reserve.

The greatest danger to our economy is people like you, the people that will forever look for Federal intrusion every time a hang nail is discovered. Yet you are on something with this statement; But I still need to have consumers willing to continue investing. Yes, I can see where it might be difficult to keep selling MF's, Qualified Accounts if people actually have to pay for their mistakes, yea we better bail out the banks and other companies involved in this mess, I mean pension funds and qualified money is at stake here!

Do not worry about the life insurance end, I'm under reasonable authority it is recession proof!:D
Here is an interesting way of looking at home prices, what you think about the end, should prices keep going up or maybe it is time for some relief?

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Numbers from Greenspan: Maestro by Bob Woodward. Need not say more.

Criminal actions (realtors, mortgage brokers, etc.) should be responded to with appropriate legal outcomes. Like I said, I've only heard of one mortgage broker being charged. That simply is not enough. The financial institutions are suffering appropriately. However, I do believe there is much more to suffer. We are really in the beginning stages of a larger collapse. Let's not forget that municipalities need bonds, too, and the bond insurers are collapsing. In the meantime, the dollar continues to devalue along with its reputation in the world. Betcha can't wait to have to start paying for oil in Euros, huh?
Do not worry about the life insurance end, I'm under reasonable authority it is recession proof!:D

All views to the debates on the future of the economy aside, inre insurance is recession proof, no arguments here. Articles as recently as 02/2008 are all over the web stating exactly that. Amen.
Numbers from Greenspan: Maestro by Bob Woodward. Need not say more.

Criminal actions (realtors, mortgage brokers, etc.) should be responded to with appropriate legal outcomes. Like I said, I've only heard of one mortgage broker being charged. That simply is not enough. The financial institutions are suffering appropriately. However, I do believe there is much more to suffer. We are really in the beginning stages of a larger collapse. Let's not forget that municipalities need bonds, too, and the bond insurers are collapsing. In the meantime, the dollar continues to devalue along with its reputation in the world. Betcha can't wait to have to start paying for oil in Euros, huh?

Yea, let us not go after the enablers such as financial institutions! Let us lock up some brokers, yea it is them that lead us to over speculation and it is them that brought up all of these bad loans and wrap them up as Ehanced Investment Funds! Yea, let us lock up the small broker and bail out the big financial houses!

Oh well, in a year or two more then likely home prices will be down and people will start buying again in large numbers. By the way, can anyone tell me what the average starter home in CA, MA or NJ is going for nowadays?
Narcistic little boy are we not Sman? I notice this before with you and a few of your buddies. For some odd reason, y'll just have to attempt to elevate yourselves, I suspect I know the reason yet what does that matter?

People such as yourself have been predicting doom and gloom like the one article I posted How housing ills killed the bull - MSN Money and when it finally arrives, what do you all do? Predict it gonna be as bad as the Great Depression! Now the second article or report I posted put the actual dollar figure on the table that we are talking about in perspective. In other words, the foreclosure rate as we see it today really is a drop in the bucket. The worst thing we can do now is to attempt to bail out the lenders and Wall Street.

Once again, if the markets are to work we have to have the down periods and losses have to be real. In other words, if a person or group of people do stupid things they have to pay for their mistakes. If not we have to ask why this time and why now? We can look at Chrysler bail out, should never have happen but, guess what? They are right back in trouble again! There was a time not that long ago that the TV companies demanded protection or a bail out and they were denied by Bush #1. So why this time? What is it about the housing market or should I say the lenders and banks that deserve to be bailed out of this mess of their own doing? Oh yea, you can blame the Broker guy that went around selling these mortgages, I suppose that is a scape goat of choice by some, those that can not see beyond the obvious.

Listen, Sman, don't worry we will never have dealing outside of calling each other names on this board. There are some depths even I refuse to go to. I'll let you deal with all your Dr and Attorney friends, I know they might actually measure up to your standards. Of course the Dr's I know have bad grammar and spelling! Probably why they all have secretaries to write their letters. Yet, I can not really say I like their company either.

We can not sustain higher and higher consumption forever, it doesn't work that way, well not in the real world. Now we have been at record highs in new home construction for some years, so you suggest the market or economy can withstand a new record be set every year? Are you really that ignorant? Funny thing is, I've been in construction, family business. We seen the mid 70's devastation in NJ and we seen the illegal immigrants in TX lower the profits to the point we had to get out of home construction. Guess what, we all survived. In fact when we got out my brother lost most of his savings in the tech bubble, I went thru a divorce and financial ruin and guess what? We both rebounded nicely in short order of time, it is what people do. Plus many of your sub contractors that can no longer depend upon new home construction will turn to the obvious, fixing up homes people own instead of building their new homes! Gee, funny how life goes on?

The greatest danger to our economy is people like you, the people that will forever look for Federal intrusion every time a hang nail is discovered. Yet you are on something with this statement; But I still need to have consumers willing to continue investing. Yes, I can see where it might be difficult to keep selling MF's, Qualified Accounts if people actually have to pay for their mistakes, yea we better bail out the banks and other companies involved in this mess, I mean pension funds and qualified money is at stake here!

Do not worry about the life insurance end, I'm under reasonable authority it is recession proof!:D

Four spelling and grammatical errors in your first two sentences. Nearly twenty errors in your entire post.

Narcissistic (see how it's properly spelled)? I think you need to look up the definition. My pointing out your lack of grasp on the English language does not make me love myself or fascinated with myself.

As far as why I do it, it's because you're in the same industry as I am. Therefore, I'm put in the same class with you and have to overcome the negative perception others have of this industry. If you can't take it, then learn to spell and use proper grammar. My goodness, there's a spell check on this forum. How hard is that to click? Still won't make up for your grammatical errors.

I guess if you think if you keep saying something enough that will make it true. That's what we call propaganda. I have yet to predict doom and gloom. I have stated that if the Federal Reserve doesn't get ahead of this, we are headed for a recession. What is your problem with the Federal Reserve lowering/increasing rates or my desire to avoid a recession? Maybe you should apply for Bernanke's job. It's apparent you know more than he does. Historically, the markets have been up about 2/3rds of the time and down 1/3rd of the time. And the up years have larger gains than the down years have losses. I understand pull backs are necessary from time to time. But if we can reduce the length and depth of a retraction simply by modifying the interest rates, what's the problem with that?

Oh yeah, WHAT YEAR WAS IT WE HAD A 7% FORECLOSURE RATE? Still waiting on that answer. Are you avoiding it for some reason. This is either the 3rd or 4th time I've asked you to give us the proof.

Also, you keep stating I've said something that I haven't. You keep lumping me in with a group of folks. I have never said things would be as bad as the Great Depression. I think the only thing that could remotely come close to that would be a nuclear war. So how about stopping the lies. Don't claim that I've said something that I didn't. All I've said is that the trends are moving toward a recession.

I'm not looking for lenders or Wall Street to be bailed out. I'm looking for people like you and me not to have to pay the price for the stupidity of others. I think we've seen the financial institutions punished pretty heavily by the markets. Does that mean the rest of the consumers should be punished?

Do you not believe the losses have been real to this point?

So now I'm the greatest danger to our economy? That's rich coming from someone like you. I don't know how many times I have to say this, I'M NOT LOOKING FOR A BAIL OUT FROM THE GOVERNMENT! But again, if you say it enough, I guess that makes it true in your mind.

Those that invest in 401k's, 403b's, 457's, etc, will continue their monthly contributions. They're buying more shares right now. It's called averaging down.

Your under reasonable authority? What the heck does that mean? What authority is that? It's apparent you're a one trick pony. Life insurance is but one small part of the whole financial picture of the average person. I just choose to make sure I'm knowledgeable of several of those parts.

This whole conversation with you has become pointless. You're going to believe what you want to believe and I'll believe what I want to believe. I think you're wrong, you think I'm wrong. I think I'm right and you think you're right. It's evident that neither of us will change and some of us like using factual data and some of us like to pull stuff out of our arse.
Isn't it a shame that a post gets sidetracked as this one has? I originally posted about the problems with misrepresentations of data in order to sell an index annuity and it turns into a debate on everything but the original topic.

I'm guilty in this as well and apologize to any of you that have gotten tired and bored with the back and forth between James and myself.