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Applying for life insurance with history of hospitalization.


New Member
I am a 34y guy and in 2019 I was admitted to an out of state hospital in Georgia for alcohol induced pancreatitis over one weekend during my friends wedding. We went hard during the reception but I paid for it. I stayed in the hospital for three days and was perfectly fine a few days later.

I didn't bother telling my primary doctor at home in Florida about it because it was a one off stupid thing that resolved. I am now applying for life insurance but there is a direct question on the application asking "Have you ever been admitted to a hospital?" and its a yes or no question. My wife thinks I should say no because its was at a random hospital out of state and there are no records from my primary doctor about it since I didn't tell him. Its technically a dirty little secret that only my wife and a few of my buddies know about.

Yes I know you shouldn't lie but lets play devils advocate. I know life insurance companies will request medical records but my primary doctor (my only doctor) has no clue that I was hospitalized and has no records about it. Would the life insurance company be able to track down that random 3 day admission and discover I was lying about it?
My position is, and always has been, tell the truth (with explanation that goes beyond the yes/no question) and let the carrier decide.

Better to be honest and rejected vs trying to sneak something by the carrier . . . who always seems to find out things you think are buried.
Lying on an application is fraud.

But, like a lot of final expense guys do, you can look for carriers that ask "in the last 2 years" vs. "Have you ever".

It going to be tricky depending on the face but some carriers are more simplified than others. It may make sense to try getting a smaller face product now (answering all questions honestly) and then replacing it in a few years (since, "in the last 5 years") opens you up to more carriers.

Don't lie on your app. Find an app that fits your situation.
Thank you so much for your replies. At this point I am concerned about being denied. After doing some research I realize there are certain conditions that are red flags for a life insurance company and history of alcohol use is one of them. I requested my medical records from that hospital and my admitting diagnosis was "Alcohol Induced Pancreatitis." My discharge note from the hospitalist suggested that I attending rehab, despite telling him that I do not drink all the time and this was after a night of heavy drinking. The hospitalist treated me like I was some junkie alcoholic. I was actually in grad school at that time. I don't even drink anymore because of this incident as I do not want to increase my chances of getting it again.

So should I just not apply right now and wait for more time to pass? I do not want to be denied as I am aware that this gets reported on the MIB and will scare away other insurers if I try to apply again, at least for 7 years.
So should I just not apply right now and wait for more time to pass? I do not want to be denied as I am aware that this gets reported on the MIB and will scare away other insurers if I try to apply again, at least for 7 years

How much time are you thinking of passing?

Have you ever been in the hospital? Doesn't seem like you'll ever be able to answer no here.. like most people.

It's been three years. No chronic etoh or hospitalizations.

Going to the hospital is not an auto decline in most cases. Complete the app or go to a different insurer that doesn't have the ever time frame.