Good place to get t65 lists


Super Genius
I have to leave my state for about a week and an half and dont want to just sit around not working. Any recommendations on T65 lists? Thanks!
Another source is

Its $49 per month with unlimited downloads and 10,000 records per download. They have higher plans available (up to 50,000 per download) but they cost more.

You can search by state, zip, age, income, DOB for t65, children

You get mailing lists, phone and emails available.

Let me know if you have any questions
How accurate is the data from liststore and usmarketing? Can I search by demographics? Household income, home ownership, home value, zip code, etc?
How accurate is the data from liststore and usmarketing? Can I search by demographics? Household income, home ownership, home value, zip code, etc?
Never tried usmktg but I've used liststore several times. Also back when Josh called it List Shack.

I used List store for ages 67-78. I was only interested in age and income. But you can search on the criteria you asked about. I searched by state, zip and area code.

If they say you can get email addresses, you can't. They don't provide any.

Stay away from their business lists. Hasn't been updated in years. You'll see companies on there that have been out of business for years.
How accurate is the data from liststore and usmarketing? Can I search by demographics? Household income, home ownership, home value, zip code, etc?
Yes, you can seach by income, owner or renter, state, zip, age, DOB, and more.

We average 80-85% accuracy which will vary with searches. I always say that renters are not as accurate as homeowners, and pizza shops and hairdressers are not as accurate as lawyers and manufacturers.
Stay away from their business lists. Hasn't been updated in years. You'll see companies on there that have been out of business for years.
Unfortunately, the C19 shut down caused havic in data. Many of the traditional systems and processes used to collect data couldn't handle the shut down and therefore data collection struggled.

Things are improving, but depending on the source, some are still running behind with updates...etc.

Let me know if you have any issues or questions. Thank you