• Do you have any victories you'd like to share for the month of May? Help us celebrate others by posting here.


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john_petrowski said:
Actually, the laws in TN are just as strict as MD - you just don't care since you're an unethical piece of garbage and admittidly will do anything for a buck even if it's illegal and unethical. I'm done with you.

http://www.tniada.org/Images/Mag Art/2006/May06/Curbstoners.pdf

LOL, at least I'm not a parasite sucking off the hard work of others. Plus since I live where I live because of my wife's grandparents need 24/7 care my front yard is on a busy street with great traffic. I was thinking of opening some kind of shop in the front yard. Figure Papaw would just love that! You know us evil people always get caught up in doing the hard work, my wife's uncle talks like you and he is never here doing the daily grunt work of LTC for two people in their 80's and not fairing well. Oh well they are a team, one's body isn't working good while the other is doing fine physically but her mind is about gone. Its a site to behold sometimes.

Yet though think about it. There is Trillions of dollars vested in the market today. What happens when the major part of the Boomers start retiring in I believe 7-10 years? When all that money starts coming out of the markets in a major way to evil people like me selling them evil SPIA's exactly where are your investments heading? Since you are 39 your not even a boomer or if you are you are on tail end. LOL, you know what they say, Sh*t Rolls down hill. Lets face it when Trillions are threatening to leave the market its gonna have a major effect, IMHO that is.
john_petrowski said:
Actually, the laws in TN are just as strict as MD - you just don't care since you're an unethical piece of garbage and admittidly will do anything for a buck even if it's illegal and unethical. I'm done with you.

http://www.tniada.org/Images/Mag Art/2006/Mar/Curbstoning.pdf

http://www.tniada.org/Images/Mag Art/2006/May06/Curbstoners.pdf

Oh well, check out your link. Have not heard nothing about that? I have several friends on the Sherrifs Department, Deputies and my Aunt works for the Clerk that handles all motor vehicle licensing in Blount County TN, no one so far as question my activity. Plus if they do, what the hell its a $500 fine, that won't cut into my profits much at all. Plus I don't see how such a law is even Constitutional? Oh well leave it to people to mess up a wet dream. Not like I'm going to stop doing it when the oppurtunity rolls around.

Plus they are opening the boxes and flyers go out next week for the rental program. I suppose you'll fine a law needing a license to rent out Carpet Cleaners? I'm sure if enough people understand the "Real" danger they would come up with one quickly. No worry I already have the needed Insurance in place as long as with the store handling the transactions.
Oh my, how interesting all this gets, yet my so called ethics were once again brought into play. Why this time? I actively go out to create wealth and, not lay on my rear end expecting others to do the bulk of the work. This reminds me of a great story years ago when I was selling DME for a small outfit out of Middle TN that wanted to develop a sales force in the Knoxville area. I wasnÂ’t doing anything at the time and a friend of my wifeÂ’s said I should sit down and talk to these two guys that had a reputation for making money in the Respiratory field and DME.

So I meet them in the cafeteria of UTMC, now in 10 minutes we hammer out a deal. I would receive XX amount of compensation for every kind of device, may it be a Oxygen setup which was the highest along with monthly trails to provide any checks and fill ups needed. Not a bad deal at all, I had zero experience and or knowledge and they werenÂ’t offering any thing great in training. Yet how complicated can it be? I mean you get the order from the medical facility or Dr. that stated 1, 2, 3 or whatever liter flow they were on and set up the concentrator. No rocket science and wheelchairs and beds paid well too, now setting up a bed the first few times proved to be a bit hairy but got pass that.

Well it seem like no time at all and I had a client list of well over a hundred people and clinics in a three state area, TN, KY and NC. Then came the official warehouse and District Manager and other Respiratory people thinking they were King of the hill, the hill I built. Well needless to say after time things started going down hill. It really got bad once I let it slip how much I was making; boy those ladies got the panties all twisted up! It was hilarious because they would bitch to people that were my friends not knowing I had such a circle, plus it really look bad for the company.

Well to fast forward this, after a period of time they had to License their warehouse. Now IÂ’m on the way out and the two owners are heehawing around about my compensation of the book of business I held. Well during the Warehouse Inspection, they had to tell the Inspector that no Oxygen or Medical Gases were passing thru the Warehouse, that it was brand new because they didnÂ’t have a license! And it was quite busy for at least a year. They took out all the Oxygen and Concentrators and hid them on several flat beds we now had for Knoxville. Needless to say they attempted to keep me away that day, but I showed up and listen to these guys lie thru their teeth and I knew my time to strike was then and there. Well I walk up to the main owner, and ask him where all my logs were, well he didnÂ’t know. They were in vehicle, now to pass Oxygen or Medical Gases thru a Unlicensed Warehouse means a $1,000 fine per incident! Now I had logs over ten inches thick, thatÂ’s a lot of transactions. Needless to say I got 80% of what I was asking for; it took them 1 day to cut me a check.

Now IÂ’ll do about anything to make a buck and develop jobs for others, there were 10 jobs created because of the work I did with that one company in fairly short time. I take great pride on my life and what IÂ’ve accomplished, and I donÂ’t need no stinking Market Investments to secure my future, I feel quite good about that. On the other hand I donÂ’t need no dang Insurance Contract either but itÂ’s a safe play, something many people will buy, esp. people that produce their own wealth and need the added protection.

Now do I hold any ill feelings? Of course not, business is business. I can look back and see the things I did weren’t all that ethical nor were the games these two owners played. Yet, in the end it all works out for the best. Remember, “In business the one that can hold their breath the longest wins”. Just so happens, the owner that told me that expression couldn’t hold his breath and gamble on what I would or wouldn’t do.
john_petrowski said:
James quote: "Plus if they do, what the hell its a $500 fine, that won't cut into my profits much at all. Plus I don't see how such a law is even Constitutional? Oh well leave it to people to mess up a wet dream. Not like I'm going to stop doing it when the oppurtunity rolls around"

I think that's everything anyone on this board needs to know about you.

Oh well. You really can't handle people that view things differently than yourself, can you?

Tune in next week for the replay of "John's view of the World". If it not me it'll be somebody else that may differ on something that "Big John" says is correct and wholesome and all that. Plus who knows what John will be doing next week, maybe he'll go be the president of Principle, obviously they need someone heading up those funds that can do better then what they have been doing lately.
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