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Vic, you need to look up the definition of non-prophylactic vaccinevaccine. Please use a source other than OAN or Faux or FB or Twitter.

what does fox have to do with it

And by the way I have seen definitive evidence at least a dozen times that MSN NBC CNN lied on various things some grossly some by omission glaring omission and have had to write retraction through small article not seen

All since January so they are stepping it up

I admit I don't know much about non-prophylactic vrs prophylactic

Does that mean it does not work because its a RNA which I do know is experimental and affects DNA structure

It damn well better work I am still on fence almost got it but too many new questions are arising

especially since CDC made the decision not to report some after-effects and the fact the a few thousand had died after the vaccine sometimes after for different reasons bt who know
because some of my clients have had bad effects

In fact, I was going to set up an appointment when I got a call from a client who just got out of skilled nursing due to a fall from passing out after 2nd shot

Then I was told about the RNA which I looked up and seems scary to me lot of unknowns with it and its comleatly experimental
Does that mean it does not work because its a RNA which I do know is experimental and affects DNA structure
OMG, you don't even have basic knowledge of how these vaccines work. They do not inject attenuated covid dna into you, which makes them 1000x safer than more common disease vaccines. And there is no alien dna in them either. Ignorance is dangerous.
OMG, you don't even have basic knowledge of how these vaccines work. They do not inject attenuated covid dna into you, which makes them 1000x safer than more common disease vaccines. And there is no alien dna in them either. Ignorance is dangerous.

all the articles I read from science magazines and Universities state that is experimental and alters dna

There are a lot of other info that is no as coordinated and differ depending on the source which means they really won't understand it themselves

But they do agree that it alters DNA
You got me shaking my head here Vic. You need to learn to stay away from people like Carlson and Hannity. They're not just poisoning your mind, they're sucking it dry.

Alright I am done all you guys are are cheep tactics For your information I got 0 of this info from FOX

but that is all you guys do you dont like the argument blame fox

I am doen with the cheep tactics have a good day
I read from science magazines and Universities state that is experimental and alters dna
A single protein component from the covid dna will not alter your dna, anymore than getting hit by the box an oil filter comes in would be considered an automobile collision.
A single protein component from the covid dna will not alter your dna, anymore than getting hit by the box an oil filter comes in would be considered an automobile collision.

There is much all these dif sources don't agree on which shows how much is not known but one thing they do agree on is they way it is designed to work is by attaching and altering DNA

am the other things agreed apon is there is something about effecting women cycle and no known data on the effect on pregnancy now or in future

and no one knows the long term effects

Hey listen I am still on the fence about it and was going to get it but I am telling you i hear some crazy stuff A client just got out of skilled nursing she collapsed 2 days after 2nd shot her sister had some bad serious trowing up went to the hospital

CDC specifically said they will stop reporting things about after the shot

and I had found out there is something like 9K that died within few month of shots, Now that is worldwide and NOT a large number and many hd pre ex and no conclusive evidence it was from the shot However no one wants to investigate either

another concern I have is blood clotting its actually a big concern of mine though the numbers are small I am subject to clotting because I have afib

Now I am not totally against it I am on the fence I have seen a lot of the good info but the negative tends to miss the news you have to search for college and medical revies and question-answer and make sure there is not too many connections to the regime

though your comment concerned me as if there is another way vaccines work besides protecting you from the desires still not sure what was meant by non-prophylactic vaccine and how or why with that you should not expect to be protected in a way other vaccines would work

but the idea That I am going to do something as big as this vaccine only to be told it's something you expect to work right I don't even know what you are saying but it sounds concerning-g why is prophylactic vaccine different and in what way does this vaccine need other to be vaccinated to to protect you
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one thing they do agree on is they way it is designed to work is by attaching and altering DNA

The only people that agree with that are anti-vaxers and religious zealots who feel that man shouldn't play god.......and Tucker Carlson. It does not alter DNA in any way. It merely triggers an immune response, but without the need to inject the actual virus.
The only people that agree with that are anti-vaxers and religious zealots who feel that man shouldn't play god.......and Tucker Carlson. It does not alter DNA in any way. It merely triggers an immune response, but without the need to inject the actual virus.

But see that is where I cant have a conversation with you again I got none of this from FOX I could argue which news has the most or least times caught lying but I didn't even get any of this from any news not just not fox but any of them

A client told me about it and I researched from medical people blogs papers and professors'

Besides that, the biggest concern I have is what you said about why it is necessary for other people to get vaxed before the vaxed person can feel safe that is the biggest red flag to date

But you just want to blame fox and use that as an excuse just as a tactic as if this was a commotion I was just simply asking about your coments on why this vaccine wont protect you if others are not vaxed

But you want to make what's true a lie when it even wasn't the main problem about the DNA, But it is true that it does affect the DNA in some way maybe not a lot maybe more dep on the source really a lot is not known by the experts but it is true that is done at least somewhat change DNA

But as I said I was still on the fence but really the biggest concern I have is what you said about it not being effective unless others get it that is a red flag to me

But again I will not bother to dig and find out more of what you mean as 3 times you just cry fox and run
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it is true that it does affect the DNA in some way maybe not a lot maybe more dep on the source really a lot is not known by the experts but it is true that is done at least somewhat change DNA
It changes DNA about the same amount as your lunch did. The only reason DNA was even mentioned relative to the vaccine is that the protein used was taken from a dna strand of the virus. There are 80k-400k different proteins in humans and if you think one protein from a viral dna will affect that, then your dna closely resembles a baboon which is 99% true for all humans. Using your logic, a single grain of sand is the same as a skyscraper because sand is used to make the concrete.